This is my third pattern to be released from my New Collection of Face Mask Patterns with Nose Bar and 2 Filter Options. This shape is similar to my 2 Piece Mask, but without the use of binding along the top and bottom edges. Though it doesn’t have the rigidness along the edges as the 2 Piece Mask, but it still has the coverage and space for your mouth to move. Great for those that love to chat while wearing a mask! It is also less claustrophobic compared to the the Surgical Styles, which sits next to the lips. This pattern allows you to chose your filter options.
I know a lot of people have managed to adapt the pattern to put their own filter lining in, but this is more of a tutorial aimed at those that don’t know how to adapt the pattern, or if you are a beginner and want to try out another design.
Disclaimer: This not a medical grade face mask. Please, do your own research for the type of materials you will need, and adapt it to my designs. I am only supplying the patterns and showing you how to construct the mask.
Let’s Start!
- Measure from the top of the mask pattern (Leaving seam allowance out) to the bottom of the mask pattern. The mask should sit around the bridge of your nose to about just over 3cm under your chin.
- Otherwise the other method is to print off the paper pattern.
- Cut the pattern out of paper, on the fold, and staple it together.
- Make sure the seam allowance is tucked away as if it is sewn.
- Fold away the elastic channel.
- Fit it to your face. This way it is better than sewing one up and realising you need another size. I am not able to give you the finished measurements because everyone has different level of sewing skills and will be using different fabric thicknesses.
- The files now have imperial measurements.
Download by clicking on the size you require. Remember to download the envelope if you want to use one. I am not able to make the envelope into a PDF file because it will be too large and will cause my website to crash. This is because my web hosting company cannot handle the downloading traffic. Last time it caused my site to be down for 3 days! For now, it will be a JPEG file.
When printing (ideally on A4 International Paper) all patterns should be printed 100% scale with No Scale to Fit Page/Media. The envelope should be printed Landscape and Fit Page/Media to not waste space on the paper.
Here is a little gift for you to keep your patterns together and organised. Lookout for the other designs.
All you need to do is cut it out and dab a bit of glue to the sides, wait for it to dry and you are good to go.
My next pattern is rolling out very soon. It is called the Cupped Mask, for that extra coverage but also spacious around the mouth area. Some people prefer the rounded look compared to the patterns with a seam down the front. It is made roughly in the same way. It will be simple once you have made one. I just wanted to make the patterns available so everyone has access to at least one fitted mask, since not all masks suit or fit all face shapes.
Be sure to follow or subscribe to ShannieMakes on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube Channel for updates. Facebook is probably easier for me to update everyone since I can add links and folders in there.
See you next time!
Shan x
Disclaimer/Please take note: My face masks do not replace medical/surgical face masks. These are also not designed to be used on babies or toddlers. Supervision is a must on small children. These are face masks with basic filtration. It is good for dust particles and maybe blocking out some odours.
You are welcome to download and use my patterns to make items for friends, family, neighbours, or even to sell. I only ask of you to help me share or credit me and state where you got the patterns from.
Thanks Susan. It means a lot. xx
Hi Shannie, I can only imagine. It must be a nightmare. But once again, thank you for all the patterns— they and your tutorials are the best I’ve found.
Hi Susan. Yes, I have only been notified of it today. I am on the case and communicating with my hosting provider as we speak. Hopefully it will be sorted within a hour. I want to cry.
These patterns have been fabulous, and I’ve made them in a couple of sizes for members of my family. Thank you so much for publishing them.
I went to download the large size for a male with a beard, since the medium was a little small for all the facial hair, and found that all your downloads now have a 403 error, saying access is forbidden. I hope you haven’t taken them down but I’m not sure what the problem is. I’m in Melbourne, Australia, if that’s of any help. I hope the patterns will be available once again as they are excellent.
Winnerful! I can’t wait ti try the “Butterfly” mask. Your tutorial is so clear and easy to follow! Thank you!
Hi Denise, glad you found it useful. Stay safe. x
Thank you very much for you patterns and videos!
Many thanks Magaret, yes another way to do it. Glad you love the pattern and did it your way. Stay safe.
Thanks Nellie. x
Thankful for all God bless you always
I just love this pattern!!! For me, I find it easier when putting the mask pieces together (11:41 time in video) to first baste the main fabric piece and the chin piece together. Once they are sewn together, it is much easier to add the last two pieces and sew everything together. Thanks for the great face mask patterns!
Hi F&S, thanks for notifying me of this. Great to know you are paying attention to my tutorials. Love it when my viewers let me know that I’ve messed up. Haha! Those many late nights are taking its toll on me. I had a quick review and can’t seem to spot it. If it’s around the 16.03 mark you are pointing out, I had to cut short a bit about turning the fabric right side out because my arm knocked the camera, but I did mention it verbally on where to turn it. I let you in a secret. I am filming in a very small confined space. My balcony! Haha. I hope it was just that bit that concerned you. I have been editing that clip for almost 3 weeks. It got to a stage where I rewatched it so much, I was going crossed eyed. Anyway, if you think it’s somewhere else, please note the time so I can recheck. I am grateful to have you to point out these things so I can make improvements to my future tutorials. Thanks again.
You are missing a step in the video. After layering all together and stitching. You missed folding the liner to the outer fabric mask which then puts the 3rd layer (where you put the filter) on the outside. You must of edited it out of the video.
The Cover Mask don’t have written notes just yet. Will be out by the end of the week, in case you are waiting for it. Only instructions for the Mask with Nose Bar Slot and 2 Filter Options is available because it is a 2 piece mask with a seam through the centre front. A lot of beginners will need me to cover masks that are cut on the fold (This mask and the Cupped mask) which requires me to do a whole new blog and new instructions, even though the execution is roughly the same. The Pattern pages only contain patterns. The notes can be screenshot or copy and paste on your computer. It is not a separate printable page. Hope this helps? I will try and sort out the written instructions soon.
Hi Phyllis. Oooops….sorry about that. Let me have a look. Sometimes my brain doesn’t;t work when I don’t have a coffee! Sort it out for you soon. x
The typed notes don’t show up with the Cover Mask with Nose Bar Slot & 2 Filter Options when I click on one of the sizes. Only the 2 pattern pages show up without any notes.
Hi Dahlia, I have stopped reminding because I forget to say it sometimes. Lol. Glad it has helped you though.
Thank you so much for this video… I loved the patience you had doing the step by step… especially the reminder to back stitch…. I am new to sewing…
Hi Chammy, I have a few sewing machines, but the one featured in my videos is Bernina Activa 135. The Bernina brand produces many models. Most of the Activa models are good starter machines, but is very pricey for a beginner. It is a good investment though. I must warn you the feets, parts and bobbins are not cheap, but are very sturdy. It is computerized. It has 5 needle positions and the buttonhole is only one step, and it is saved so each buttonhole is the same. As for cheaper machines, the step is 3 or 4. That means you have to select different stitches just to make 1 buttonhole, and you have to repeat all those steps just to make each buttonhole. If you follow me on Facebook: Shanniemakes, you can private message me. I can answer quickly. Hope this helps. Good luck on your purchase. x
Thank you for all the patterns and videos. I am new to sewing, can you tell me what is make and model of your sewing machine? Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca, I hope you hang on for the rest of the journey because I have so much to share and free stuff to give/download with my projects.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent!
Thanks Elaine! I’m sure you are too. x
You are fantastic